Welcome to the
Delaware County
Zoning Department

Based on Chapter 355 of the Iowa Code, Delaware County Zoning manages land use throughout the county, enforcing the county's Zoning Ordinance and directing county development and growth. Before beginning construction projects, it is highly recommended that residents utilize our site to determine ordinance compliance and permit processes.

Upcoming Meetings

Board of Adjustment

August 20, 2024 · 1:00 p.m.

Zoning Commission

August 21, 2024 · 1:00 p.m.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is there a building code inspection in Delaware County?


No, there are no building code inspections in Delaware County. We only handle zoning permits, which are concerned with setbacks and land use.


Am I exempt from zoning if I own a farm?


Properties over 5 acres and zoned A-1 Agricultural are considered exempt, and properties less than 5 acres may be considered exempt if a site plan is submitted. It is best to contact the zoning office.

This webpage was printed on July 26, 2024. For the most current election-related information, visit the Delaware County, Iowa, Zoning website at https://delawarecountyzoning.iowa.gov/.
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